Tractor Supply Plants, Trees, Seeds & Gardening Stuff
I have a confession and since you’re on a gardening site, I figure you’ll lend a sympathetic ear. I am largely incapable of parking in the same lot as a garden center and not going inside! Recently I just had to check out the Tractor Supply plants, seeds, and trees for sale!
Of course, this was after I’d already checked out the Ollies flower pots and planters, the Lidl bulbs sale, and whatever Aldi Garden Line products I could find.
My favorite thing to check out in the Tractor Supply gardening section is the fruit trees! I already have a Red Haven peach tree growing in a fabric grow bag in my yard, and I bought it at Tractor Supply a few years ago for just $10!
I am SO hopeful it may actually bloom this year! The buds are looking awfully pink!
2023 Tractor Supply Garden Finds
If you are like me and can’t resist the temptation of a garden center, this post should help! 🙂
Check out all the great planters, seeds, germination kits, fruit trees, and other gardening gear I found at Tractor Supply in March 2023.
Also, here’s a quick glimpse at all the soil and other amendments lined up in the parking lot…
Tractor Supply Fruit Trees
As mentioned, the fruit trees at Tractor Supply are my favorite offerings. You can see a wide variety of mature, ready-to-bloom fruit trees outside the store. At least you could at the Pottstown Tractor Supply.
I saw peach trees, apple trees, and plum trees, along with blueberry bushes and grapevines outside. The blooms were gorgeous, especially the pink peach blossoms!
Then, inside Tractor Supply, fruit trees are for sale in smaller sizes. I noticed Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, and Fuji apple trees, as well as Belle of Georgia peach trees.
The indoor trees looked to be mostly dormant. Besides the apples and peach, I also saw plums.
So did the boxed fruit plants like blackberries, raspberries, gooseberries, figs, kiwi, strawberries, and others.
Still, it’s very tempting to add to our dream of a backyard pick-your-own orchard!
Dormant Rose Bushes at Tractor Supply
In addition to some evergreen shrubs and the aforementioned fruit trees and plants, I loved seeing lots of rose bushes for sale.
Red, pink, yellow, white, and even orange roses sat on the shelves waiting for good homes. It was so tempting but I held off buying any new ones too early in the season this time.
Some of the varieties on sale for $11.99 included Mirandy, Irish Luck (soft yellow), Gold Glow (yellow), Ducher (white), and Paul Neyron (pink), to name a few.
Tractor Supply Seeds
Let’s be honest, can you really go to Tractor Supply and not look at the seeds?
Seeds available at Tractor Supply this trip included:
- Seeds of Change 100% Certified Organic Seeds
- Ferry-Morse Non GMO Seeds
- Burpee Herbs, Flowers, Organics, and more.
- Various brands of seed tape
In addition, Tractor Supply sells seed potatoes, garlic, dormant asparagus crowns, rhubarb, and onion sets.
More Gardening Stuff for Sale
The plants, seeds, and starts definitely continue to be the most exciting gardening goodies for me.
Some other cool gardening gear you’ll find at Tractor Supply may include:
- Garden Gloves
- Hoses
- Garden Fences
- Planters and Pots
- Plant Tags
- Supports
- Fertilizer
- Pesticides and Treatments (Sevin, Mosquito Bits, etc.)
- Peat Pots
- Plant Clips and Ties
- Seed Starting Kits
- Tomato Cages
You can also find an assortment of Ball jars for canning and other purposes.
Favorite Tractor Supply Garden Finds
If I needed some garden gear in recent years, Tractor Supply provided a solid solution on short notice.
Take last year, for example. I needed to set up a same-day vacation irrigation system for watering our gardens while we were away.
The Tractor Supply garden hoses worked out great for my needs. I’ve purchased basic soaker hoses as well as a Zero-G garden hose.
Anyway, here are some of my favorite finds this year and last.
Green Tomato Cages
The tall green tomato cages continue to be some of my favorite Tractor Supply pick-ups from 2022. They held up great and I am excited for another season with them!
You can score your own for just $5.99 per green tomato cage!
Fruit Trees
The outdoor fruit trees looked really healthy, like the peach tree with beautiful pink blooms.
I definitely hope to add in some fruit trees in the near future, but for now, I am letting you know where you can find some!
Finding whiskey barrel planters outdoors at Tractor Supply was exciting – those are some of my favorites.
I also loved the colorful glazed planters arranged on a tower indoors.
This year, I went to Tractor Supply specifically to buy the huge bag of zinnia seeds that I’d seen circulating on all my gardening social media circles. Fortunately I got there in time to grab a bag of the zinnia seeds, which I believe can cover a 200-foot stretch.
Gardening Stuff
It was a lot of fun checking out all the garden stuff for sale at Tractor Supply. I could definitely spend some serious money there given the chance!
Do you have any other cool Tractor Supply garden finds to add to the list? I’m happy to update as more great deals surface.
Definitely let us know what you find at Tractor Supply in the comments so we can all benefit. We love hearing from you!
Happy Gardening!