20 Best Stocking Stuffers for Gardeners
Awesome Stocking Stuffers for Gardeners!
If your wife, husband, child, or someone you love enjoys gardening, then this list is for you! We’ve found so many stocking stuffers for gardeners that I almost want to fill my own stocking this year! 🙂 Even if you think that special someone has it all, you might be surprised at some of the wonderful gardening gifts you can find. Consider these 20 best stocking stuffer ideas for gardeners!
Feel free to text or email this list of gardening stocking stuffers to your favorite Santa! Make holiday shopping so much easier.
(By the way, you might also like my list of Best Gardening Gifts for Mom – or anyone for that matter!)
1. Seeds
You’re sure to delight any gardener from novice to expert level with a few new packs of seeds. The excitement at opening mystery seed packs from inside wrapping paper is undeniable! (Just like seed swaps where you don’t know exactly what you’ll get!)

2. Plant Tags
Especially for seedlings, plant tags make it easy to keep your garden organized. Consider different styles of plant tags, from disposable or reusable ones to high-end styles to cherish for years to come.
3. China Markers
Some gardeners swear by using China Markers (grease pencils) to create waterproof writing on plant tags. This is already on an Amazon Wish List I’ve entitled “Stocking Stuffers” for easy purchasing for my husband!

4. Organza Bags
These thin, breathable drawstring bags offer many uses in the garden! Organza bags so versatilely keep berries, small veggies, and fruits safe from birds and other garden pests. They also work effectively to catch seeds or prevent pollinators from getting to plants you’ve decided to pollinate yourself. Look for different sizes for different purposes!
5. Seed Envelopes
For those gardeners who enjoy seed saving, seed envelopes come in very handy! Paper coin envelopes from Amazon work very well for this purpose and allow for unlimited customization and creative designing touches. You can also include a variety of masking tape or washi tape to make one’s own seed envelopes as a gardening craft. (Would love hubby to see my list of stocking stuffers for gardeners so I can star my favorite ones, including some new seed envelopes!)

6. Soil pH / Sunlight / Moisture Meter / Tester
Serious gardeners like serious tools. It’s also exciting to be able to test your soil and different parts of your yard for watering needs, sunlight, and acidity of the soil.
7. Gardening pH Test Kit
Likewise, the fun gardening science experiments continue with a pH test kit. This can help serious and hobbyist gardeners to diagnose problems with particular plants that aren’t performing and thriving as expected.
8. Rain Gauge
A rain gauge can be a fun gadget for the kids to learn about the weather and taking care of plants. It’s also useful for making sure certain moisture loving plants and also dry loving plants get what they need each week.
9. Gift Card to Seed Shop
If you’re feeling a bit stuck, you should know gardeners will also appreciate a gift card to a reputable seed shop or gardening center. This way they can pick out something they need if you just aren’t sure what that may be.
10. Garden Décor
Fun garden décor can add a little personality to outdoor spaces. Those cute garden statues and other decorations also remind a homeowner of the person who gave them. Consider cute gardening décor items that will brighten your favorite gardener’s beloved planting areas. Some of the smaller styles make excellent gardening stocking stuffers!
11. Gardening Gloves
How are gardening gloves so far down this list?! I go through a pair of gloves a year AT LEAST! Good gardening gloves made from leather or similar last a bit longer, but serious gardeners can never have too many pair of gardening gloves.
12. Weed Puller Tool
We have an awesome dandelion tool, which is really a weed puller tool that gets those deep-rooted weeds out no problem. This tool is a must-have in any garden and I highly recommend it as a stocking stuffer if your special garden lover doesn’t already have one.
13. Good Pruning Shears
A pair of good pruning shears helps to make gardening tasks a lot easier. Mine broke one year and my husband got me a new pair that I just love. This is definitely a great gift for a gardener!

14. Soft Velcro Plant Ties
Soft Velcro plant ties are one of the many little gardening supplies I purchased for myself this growing season. I needed something to help my climbing plants and tomatoes attach themselves to the stakes or the fence. These are wonderfully soft and gently on plants, very easy to use, and reusable for future seasons. Mine were in fantastic condition after a whole summer and autumn of gardening.
15. Garden Journal
I wish I’d started writing in a garden journal this year. I really do. It was a crazy year with a family emergency and of course the pandemic with lockdowns out the wazoo, so I lost track of time for this. Definitely planning on still making some notes and doing a gardening journal with my kids next year!
16. Bug Vacuum
We had a major problem with cucumber beetles this summer! Thoughts of a bug vacuum came to mind and I was so delighted to learn that such a gadget actually excited! We happily set our kids free in the garden to vacuum squash bugs, vine borers, and cucumber bugs. I also find it to be an incredible blessing when we find spiders in the house! I can humanely catch and have the kids release them outside. 🙂
17. Sidewalk Weeder Tool
A small, handheld sidewalk weeder tool can be a nice gardener stocking stuffer. I’ve personally never seen one of these until now, but it looks incredibly useful for wedding detailed trim areas around gardens and walkways.
18. Rose Thorn Stripper Tool
If your favorite gardener loves having fresh-cut flowers in the home, this is a must-have tool! Homegrown roses will transition beautifully from garden to vase with a simple swipe through the rose thorn stripper tool.
19. YETI Tumbler
Because what gardener doesn’t need a cup of coffee or a glass of wine to enjoy when the day is done?! (Or during the wonderfully fun process of checking on plants!) A gardener’s mug with lid is the perfect sipper for before, during, or after gardening.
20. Did I mention Seeds?!
Truly! Even if you’ve already picked out a few packs of seeds, get more! Could you imagine the joy of any gardener who opens his or her stocking to find it is filled with many different packets of seeds?!
By the way, if you like seeds, you might also enjoy our seed swap unboxing! Hit us up if you want to swap seeds, too.
I am going to send my husband this article and hope for lots of seeds and gardening goodies in my stocking. If you have anything to add, please share in our comments below. And of course, feel free to share these stocking stuffers for gardeners with your special Santa!
More Great Gifts for Gardeners!
Good post – people need to read more like this, as most info about this topic is lacking something. You give real value to your readers.