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How to Propagate Grape Vines: My Attempt at Growing Grapes from Cuttings

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Do you wish you had more grapes growing in your garden? Learning how to propagate grape vines from cuttings can be a fun project but it can also swiftly add many plants to your backyard orchard!

I’m always so inspired by nature’s way of, well, finding a way! Plants want to survive and they want to reproduce.

Learning how to grow grapes from cuttings is a neat experiment for me and the kids, but it’s also such an interesting topic in general.

Propagating Grape Vine Cutting in Water
Propagating Grape Vine Cutting in Water in 2022

We decided to try growing grape cuttings in water and in soil to see what happens. My sample size is small right now – just one grape vine cutting for each method. But I’m feeling busy this week and very interested to come back and try more later.

Let’s see what happens!

What are some grape propagation methods?

The most popular methods of grapevine propagation include hardwood cuttings, greenwood cuttings, growing from seed, layering, and grafting. You can learn how to propagate grape vines in water or moist soil mix.

Starting grapes from seed may also be successful, provided you have viable seeds. This method can take longer to produce a yield, however.

Personally, I am also going to try air layering grape vines at some point once I get caught up on a few things!

How long does it take to grow grapes from cuttings?

Grapevine cuttings may root in water or soil in as little as 1 to 2 weeks, although it could take closer to 6 weeks or more. These propagated grapevine clones may produce their first grapes about 3 years later, although your mileage may vary.

Notice the tiny white root forming on this grapevine cutting in water
Notice the tiny white root forming on this grapevine cutting in water.

When is the best time to take grape vine cuttings?

Plan to take and start grape cuttings from grapevines in the early spring. Dormant cuttings from late winter may also work. Make sure the grapevine cuttings are about the thickness of a pencil or slightly thicker with plenty of healthy leaf nodes. (Source)

Growing Grapes from Cuttings

I’ve had a grapevine for probably 10 or 12 years. This year I finally decided to try my luck rooting grape cuttings.

You’d think I took them on purpose from my age-old concord grapevine.


I bought a new Niagara grapevine at LIDL (just $14.99!!) last week and during a big storm, the pot fell over and a branch broke off!

(Yes, I admit I bought it when I had no time to plant that week. But when you see these kinds of deals, you jump on them!)

What to do!!

Well, I cut it in half.

I saw it had enough leaf nodes to give me a fighting chance. Keeping it whole, at about 18 inches long, I think the grape cutting would expend too much energy trying to keep everything alive.

Anyway, I stuck one piece of the grapevine cutting in moist potting soil and one piece in a bottle of water. Dipped both ends in my favorite rooting hormone first.

And now we wait!

Propagating Grape Vines in Water
Propagating Grape Vines in Water

Anyway, if you’re hoping to try propagating grape vines from cuttings, I’ll include as much detail here as possible to help you.

I’m also gathering all the best tips so I can try this again intentionally instead of as a scrambled bit of damage control!

How to Propagate Grapevine Cuttings (2 Methods)

When I found the broken branch, I knew I had to figure out how to propagate grapes quickly before it lost any more moisture.

I researched a bit and discovered propagating grapes is supposed to be relatively easy. That’s great news!

Although I did my attempt rather willy-nilly, I will do my best to walk you through how to grow grapes from cuttings as completely as possible.

Taking Grape Vine Cuttings

Learning how to propagate grape vines starts with taking proper cuttings.

When taking grape vine cuttings, you can start with hardwood or softwood cuttings (green grapevine cuttings).

The most important piece to know is that you’ll need several healthy leaf nodes or buds per cutting. As long as the buds are healthy, even starting from dormant grapevine cuttings can often result in new grape vines!

  • Take a healthy piece of grapevine from the top of the plant.
  • Cut on a 45-degree angle about an inch below a node. If separating out multiple cuttings from one length of grapevine, cut about one inch above a node for the top cut.
  • Aim for thickness of a pencil or greater.
  • Cut a length of 12 to 18 inches.
  • Make sure the grapevine cutting has around 4 healthy buds.

Rooting Grape Cuttings in Water

You can try rooting grapevine cuttings in water as one method of grape propagation.

  1. After taking cuttings of your grapevine, prepare your cutting for the water. Remove most of the leaves so the cutting can focus on root development instead of keeping leaves hydrated. Cut the final leaf or two in half to reduce the size / surface area.
  2. Next, dip the planting end of the cutting (closest to the root of the original parent) in rooting hormone like Clonex.
  3. Place the grapevine cutting in a plastic bottle or vase with water.
  4. Cover the rest of the cutting and the opening of the container with a plastic bag to retain humidity.
  5. Change the water periodically to reduce chances of molding.

Roots should start to emerge from the submerged ends of the cuttings.

This method is very similar to my post on rooting roses from cuttings!

White roots forming on a green grapevine cutting in 2022
White roots forming on a green grapevine cutting in 2022

Rooting Grape Vine Cuttings in Soil

Growing grapes from cuttings in soil is another grapevine propagation method. This technique avoids the need to transition rooted grapevine cuttings from water to soil.

Try these steps to grow grapevines from cuttings of a parent plant.

  1. After taking grape cuttings, prepare a pot with moist potting mix.
  2. Poke a hole in the center where you will place the cutting.
  3. Dip the cut end of the grapevine in rooting hormone like Clonex.
  4. Place the cutting cut-side down into the potting mix. It should go deep enough that two or more leaf nodes are under the soil, with the topmost one just below soil level.
  5. Firm the soil around the cutting.
  6. Remoisten if needed.
  7. Place a clear bag over the cutting and container if it fits. This helps to trap the humidity inside.
  8. Monitor for moisture needs regularly. Spray with water or lightly water to remoisten when needed.
Grapevines on sale at LIDL - I bought one and a branch broke off, so I rooted it in water!
Grapevines on sale at LIDL – I bought one (Niagara) and a branch broke off, so I rooted it in water!

Planting Grape Vine Cuttings

It’s said that grapevines are pretty easy to propagate. This is wildly exciting!

Now that you know how to propagate grape vines from cuttings, I hope you’ll join me on this journey!

Once (if?!) my grape vine cuttings take root, I’ll begin the process of transferring them to soil. I will be sure to come back and share photos and document the entire process.

Update 05/27/22 – I purchased my grapevine on May 11, tried propagating grape vine cuttings on May 18, and noticed white dots (roots!) starting on May 24.

Trying my best to learn how to propagate grapes with the water bottle and plastic baggie method of rooting cuttings.
Trying my best to learn how to propagate grapes with the water bottle and plastic baggie method of rooting cuttings.

I’d love if I can start growing grape vines from cuttings! My ultimate goal is to one day purchase a few acres of land where I can grow my own mini orchard of berries, grapes, and fruit trees as far as my legs can carry me.

Do you have any success stories with starting grape vines from cuttings? Feel free to ask any questions or share tips – we love hearing from you in the comments!

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Also stay tuned – I will be back to update the post as my efforts at propagating grapes evolve!

Happy Gardening!

10.03.22 – Updated to add popular grape vine selections for those who prefer planting over learning how to propagate grape vines.

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  1. Thank you for this helpful information…and for sharing photos!
    I recently took some cuttings from my grandparents’ orchard and have been trying to start them. They’ve been in water a few days while I’ve been trying to decide if I can start them in water or if I need to plant them. I definitely need to cut off a lot of the leaves though.

    1. Hi Amber! Great hearing from you and so happy for you that you could take pieces from your grandparents’ orchard! How special that must be – I love it! Wishing you all the luck and success. I hope you get some visible progress soon. If you are able, maybe try to root some in water and some in soil and see which method works easiest for you. Best of luck and keep us posted!

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