Are Daisies Perennials or Annuals?
One of the most iconic flower, daisies truly have our hearts. But, are daisies perennials or annuals? The truth is – with so many different kinds of daisies out there, you’re likely to enjoy both perennial daisies and annuals!
Even some wildflowers look just like daisies, so it’s nice when they pop up totally unexpectedly.
Let’s look at some of the main types of daisies and find out – are daisies perennials or annuals!
Do daisy plants come back every year?
Some daisies come back every year and some daisies don’t. It depends on which kind of daisy you’re growing and where you live – i.e., how cold it gets and how cold the particular daisy can tolerate.
Let’s look at different types of daisies for a more accurate answer about whether daisies are perennials or annuals.
Are Shasta daisies perennials?
Yes, classic Shasta daisies are perennials. These daisies are actually considered short-lived perennials, so they may only come back for a few years.
Gardening research about the winter hardiness of Shasta daisies differs, with some suggesting grow zones 5 through 8 and others suggesting 4 through 9.
(Your mileage may vary.)
Plan to plant extra Shasta daisy seeds or try propagating Shasta daisies to keep this gorgeous display blooming in your garden.
Are Montauk daisies winter hardy?
Yes, Montauk daisies, also known as Nippon daisies, are herbaceous perennials. These daisies can survive winter in zones 5 to 9 and boast the popular white petals and yellow center of beloved daisy flowers.
Are African daisies perennials?
African daisies are typically grown as annuals except in grow zones with very little frost. These lovely flowers are actually half-hardy perennials, meaning African daisies are perennials only in warm grow zones 9 through 10.
Are Gerbera daisies perennials?
No, in most grow zones, Gerbera daisies are annuals. In warmer zones such as zones 8 through 11, however, Gerbera daisies may grow as tender perennials. The first frost generally kills these daisies in colder, more northern zones.
Are Marguerite Daisies perennials?
Also known as Paris daisy and scientifically called Argyranthemum frutescens, growers treat Marguerite daisy (marguerite daisy) as an annual flower. In grow zones 9 through 11, Marguerite daisies grow perennially, provided temps remain above freezing.
Are Paper daisies annuals or perennials?
Scientifically known as Helipterum roseum and lovingly called everlasting daisy, most gardeners grow the paper daisy flower as an annual.
Very similar to strawflowers, the papery petals of paper daisies do preserve well for dried floral indoor arrangements, so you can still enjoy them for quite some time.
Are Livingstone daisies annuals?
Ironically known as “ice plant” and scientifically called Dorotheanthus Bellidiformis, Livingstone daisies tend to grow prolifically as annuals in most grow zones. In zone 10, the Livingstone daisy is winter hardy.
If you live anywhere else, plan to bring them indoors before frost or sow again year after year!
Are Painted daisies perennials?
Scientifically called Tanacetum coccineum (previously Chrysanthemum coccineum), painted daisies grow well in zones 3 through 7 or possibly zones 3 through 9, depending on temperatures. In very hot climates, plan to plant new painted daisies as annuals every year.
Are Oxeye daisies annuals or perennials?
Scientifically known as Leucanthemum vulgare, the Oxeye daisy is a perennial wildflower. Oxeye daisies spread vigorously when given the opportunity, making them potentially very invasive as they can displace and choke out native plants and wildflowers.
With a similar look to beloved Shasta daisies, Oxeye daisies require some special care to limit their aggressive spreading habit.
So, Are Daisies Perennials?!
As it turns out, the answer is yes AND no! Some daisies come back every year and some daisies you must plant all over again.
Most of the time, though, even if certain daisies are perennials, they may still only live a few years as a short-lived perennial.
Plant Shasta daisies for a stunning bloom that returns fairly reliably.
My friend across the street has the most gorgeous patch of white daisies every summer. I truly enjoy them and her little boy even brought me a bouquet of them last year.
I absolutely loved putting my youngest daughter in daisy themed dresses and outfits when she was a tiny tot and oh how I miss those days!
So, daisies will always be special to me, no matter what the type. And, both annual daisies and perennial daisies will have a place in my garden or yard.
Make Daisies Last Longer
By the way! Did you know you can keep your daisies flowering even longer by removing the dead flowers?
Stop them from going to seed and snip away spent blooms. You can learn how to deadhead daisies in my post to get the most blooms possible!
With so many different kinds of daisies to grow, you can find the best type for your grow zone and personal preferences.
Do you have any questions on daisies as annuals or perennials? How about any great daisy stories to share? Hit us up in the comments – we love hearing from you!
Happy Gardening!